Storm Front

by Jim Butcher

Listened to audiobook finished on 06 May 2020

After listening to Station Eleven during a pandemic, I needed some fluff. This fit the bill nicely. It’s not a sunshine and rainbows kind of fluff though so don’t pick it up expecting that. The main character is a wizard-for-hire and he is often hired by the police. It is pretty grisly in places but still manages not to take itself too seriously. There is magic and demons and an epic bad-guy who is thwarted by the good wizard in the end. I have to say, I did not love the reader on this one. He is deadpan which suits the book style well but he does these frequent dramatic sighs that I found irritating. I was able to get past it and enjoy the book anyway so don’t let it turn you away. This is book #1 in the Dresden Files series. I will continue with the series as I expect they will all be entertaining. Maybe I will get lucky and the reader will lay off the sighs for the next one.