Flat Broke with Two Goats

by Jennifer McGaha

Read finished 08 May 2020

This was a delightful read! You know when you are immersed in a book and suddenly realize it isn’t fiction? That always feels like a surprise gift to me and causes me to enjoy the book even more. This book was like that. As a bonus, the author is a college English teacher so it is well-written and has a really authentic feel to it. After a financial catastrophe that throws her whole life and marriage for a loop, Jennifer ends up moving to an isolated and rustic cabin in a beautiful spot in the woods. Having always enjoyed experimenting in the kitchen and now faced with less disposable income, the author and her husband start to produce much of their own food. This involves the addition of livestock to their lives and although they are not exactly experienced in animal husbandry, they are eager to learn. The results will take you through all kinds of emotions but in the end, you will be charmed.