While Justice Sleeps

by Stacey Abrams

Listened to January 2022

Definitely a runner-up for cheesiest title for a book I have ever read. The author is a well-known American politician and lawyer and sometimes her explanations of the American political or law systems were a bit tiring. The book did pick up toward the middle though and turned out to involve a fairly interesting political mystery. It includes some ethical issues centered in US law as well as some medical ethics. An evil pharma company is heavily featured and since I get pretty impatient with this trope, I think that set the tone for me. Medical ethics is a fascinating topic in general and this book does bring some points worth pondering to mind. Overall, some interesting aspects but enough convenient coincidences (main character’s roommate happens to be a brilliant medical intern who can easily access and decode all the science stuff) that push this book just over the interesting thinker-thriller toward pulp thriller fiction. I am sure this will be made into a generic movie at some point.